On December 13, 2024, Ramakrishna Math in Madurai celebrated Karthikai Deepam, a festival honoring Lord Siva. The event featured an Arati to Arunachaleshwar, followed by the lighting of a Deepam at 6:00 PM and the singing of Namavalis until 6:30 PM.
On November 24, 2024, Ramakrishna Math, Madurai, organized a spiritually enriching Japa Yajnam, which began at 9:00 am with Bhajan and concluded at 1:00 pm. The program featured multiple sessions designed to inspire participants towards deeper spiritual practices
On August 26, 2024, Madurai Math celebrated Sri Krishna Jayanti with Special Puja, Bhajans, Discourse, Sri Shyam Nama Sankirtanam and Special Arati. Around 100 devotees attended the celebration.
On August 11, 2024, Ramakrishna Math, Madurai, hosted the Thiruvasagam Mutrothal, a spiritual event focused on Lord Siva worship. This devotional practice involved the complete recitation of the Thiruvasagam, a collection of Tamil hymns by 9th-century Shaiva poet-saint Manikkavasagar.
On 8th March 2024, we celebrated Maha Sivaratri at our Math with a night-long Special Puja and Bhajan session, starting from 7.00 pm and concluding at 5.00 am. Devotees poured milk (Abhishekam) to the Shiva Linga after the first Prahara Puja.
Most Revered Srimat Swami Gautamanandaji Maharaj, Vice-President, Ramakrishna Math & Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math and Adhyaksha, Ramakrishna Math, Chennai, visited the Ramakrishna Math, Madurai from 19th to 21st January, 2024.
On December 10, 2023, the Ramakrishna Math in Madurai hosted a profound spiritual event - the Japa Yajnam. The purpose of the gathering was to encourage the devotees to practice Nama Japa for long hours.
Deepavali, the festival of lights, holds a special place in the hearts of millions. The Math observed a grand celebration with the performance of Sri Sri Kali Puja, making the occasion memorable for all attendees.
Illuminating the Temple
As the sun set, the entire temple and its surrounding...
Sri Durga Puja especially known as Navaratri in Tamil Nadu, was celebrated grandly in our Ramakrishna Math, Madurai, from 15th October 2023 to 24th October 2023. Special Talk, Chanting, Bhajan and Special puja were conducted. View the glimpses of Navaratri.
On 6th Sep 2023, Ramakrishna Math in Madurai celebrated Sri Krishna Jayanti with Arati to Sri Ramakrishna, special puja to Lord Sri Krishna, and chanting. Over 100 devotees attended the event filled with divine vibrations and bliss. Prasadam was distributed to all.
Nama Japa Yajnam was held at Ramakrishna Math Madurai on 23-07-2023, with bhajan, talk, Japa, readings from Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna and Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi, and prayer. It aimed to promote Nama Japa (repetition of God’s Name). Many devotees attended and benefited from the program.
Guru Purnima is a sacred day to honor and express gratitude to our spiritual teachers. It falls on the full moon day of the Hindu month of Ashadha, which is on 3 July 2023 this year. On this auspicious occasion,
Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna Dev's 188th Jayanti was celebrated at Ramakrishna Math, Madurai, on Tuesday, 21st February 2023 with special puja, Bhajan, Homa, Spiritual Discourse. Around 705 devotees participated.
We celebrated Maha Sivaratri, in our Math on 18th March 2023 with Special Puja and Bhajan throughout the night, from 7.00 pm to 5.00 am. Devotees also participated in Abhishekam (poured milk) to Shiva Linga and worshipped with Bilva (Bael) leaves.
Swami Vivekananda's 161st Jayanti was celebrated at Ramakrishna Math, Madurai, on Tuesday, 14th January 2023. The celebrations started with Mangalarati followed by Vedic chanting and bhajans. Temple Pradakshina with Bhajans was conducted from 6:30 am to 7:30 am.
Kalpataru Day - Sri Ramakrishna awakened spiritual consciousness in the hearts of his devotees on this day. Sri Ramakrishna came to lead human beings from darkness to light, bondage to liberation. So, he blessed the devotees, saying, “Be illumined.”
Most Revered Srimat Swami Gautamanandaji Maharaj, Vice-President, Ramakrishna Math & Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math and Adhyaksha, Ramakrishna Math, Chennai, visited the Ramakrishna Math, Madurai from 22nd to 25th December 2022.